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“Good life for all”: City of Saskatoon hosts round dance to promote unity

The City of Saskatoon hosted a community round dance earlier this week, focusing on unity and bringing people together.
The event, on March 28 at the Cosmo Civic Centre, took the theme of Miyo-Pimatiswin, meaning the “good life for all” in the Plains Cree language. In a release Thursday, the city said the event was meaningful in building relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
“An important part of the journey of reconciliation is celebration and gathering together — movement and laughter are good medicine. We are living in difficult times, here in Saskatoon and around the world,” Mayor Charlie Clark said in the release.
“This is an opportunity to express gratitude for the good in our lives and in our community and to acknowledge the continued work towards a good life for every resident of our city.”
Melissa Cote, the city’s director of Indigenous initiatives, echoed that sentiment, stating that the community round dance has helped move the needle forward with the calls to action stated in the Truth and Reconciliation report.
The event included a community feast in addition to the round dance.
